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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Benefits of the Dead Sea Minerals

These are the major minerals found in the Dead Sea and their actions:
MAGNESIUM: Accelerates cell metabolism by activating enzymes.
CHLORIDE: Balances all minerals in the cells and body.
BROMIDE: Heals and relieves skin disorders.  Stimulates the natural repair process.
SODIUM CHLORIDE: Protects body against fluid loss, balances acid alkali levels and influences muscle activity.
IODINE: Vital for cell metabolism and necessary for production of thyroxin, which regulates the metabolic energy.
POTASSIUM: Helps regulate osmosis and water balance. Stimulates and maintains nerve signals and muscle contractions.
CALCIUM: Strengthens cell membranes. Necessary for regulation of heart muscles and nerve transmission, building and maintaining bones and teeth.

What's so special about the Dead Sea?
The waters of the Dead Sea contain 21 life-essential minerals such as potassium, bromide and magnesium.  Many of these minerals are found in no other sea or ocean.

The Dead Sea distinguishes itself from the earth's most bountiful sources by it's lavish contents. In fact, this body of water contains 10 times more salts and minerals then the Mediterranean Sea, which is one  of the richest, most fertile locations on the planet. These salts and minerals are recognized worldwide for their amazing therapeutic, nourishing and activating abilities.

Time is typically considered something that opposes us.  In it's course, our bodies become depleted from many life-essential minerals. This results in an acceleration of the aging process. Premature wrinkles, aches and pains, age spots and tiredness are a few of the resulting effects. Though, ironically, it is time itself which had enriched the Dead Sea with so many minerals and other rejuvenating essentials as well as it's unique position of being the lowest inhabited location on earth (1,312 feet below sea level).

Since before the days of Cleopatra, people have traveled to the Dead Sea to soak up it's minerals and heal their ailments. Even Cleopatra herself was reportedly enamored with the Dead Sea's amazing health benefits and used it's distinctive minerals for her legendary beauty treatments.

The benefits of the dead sea are so numerous that it's has become a buzz in beauty product industry.  You will find dead sea products are good for sensitive skin, exzema, dry skin, normal skin, acne care and anti aging skin care


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